Email Campaigns vs Text Message Campaigns
A.D.Ventures Media Solutions
Email marketing, also known as email advertising, has been one of the most reliable forms of advertising for some time. Text ad campaigns are one of the newest and hottest trends in advertising. To achieve maximum return on investment or ROI, it is important to figure out the right strategy for marketing. Both texting message and email campaigns are effective forms of advertising, but each has their own strengths and weaknesses. Many clients choose both to reach the most clients.
What is the difference between Email Campaigns and Text Campaigns
In the advertising world that is an enormous difference. A company’s own email database is still especially useful to get your message out. A simple yet stylish email that features your offers is still highly effective to communicate your message. Customer database email marketing is a fantastic way to keep your customers coming back. Most clients like to see your offers each month. Text messages are fast and easy but have far less space to highlight your offers. Most messages have 340 characters under one credit format. Text messages can include a link, but the cost will increase with each send the open rates with text messages are higher than the open rates of email According to a recent survey 75% of customer’s like to receive promotions via text. There is just something about that lingering text message alert. People do not have the time to search for promotions or coupons. The convenience of coupons through text is a large reason for text ad campaign effectiveness.
Efficient Media Plans Using Email Campaigns and Text Campaigns
Campaigns that require brand recognition, customer engagement and interaction, email marketing campaigns have a lot of strengths. If you have a lengthy message, you would likely to opt for email. For shorter simple messages like “flash sale going on now” text marketing works well. Keep in mind customers do still open email so marketing works best when you have a good mix of both email and text messaging. Consumers appreciate communication advertising in multiple versions.
You will need to make sure your timing and frequency are correct when you use both styles of mass marketing. Consumer habits are continuously evolving. Both advertising styles are effective yet work even better when used simultaneously. Adventures Media Solutions can help you build an efficient marketing and media strategy. We excel at social and digital advertising. We will take care of the reach and frequency of your ads., The customer never feels overwhelmed or bothered by your business. Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation at (901) 605-1949