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Streaming on television.

Television and Radio: Advertising on Traditional Mediums

We live in a multi-screen world. The way consumers consume media is changing rapidly, but modern TV and radio solutions can effectively use these platforms to find your future customers. From traditional broadcast stations to streaming your favorite shows on your connected television at home, we have media solutions to fit your needs.

AdVentures Media has over 20 years of experience buying television and radio airtime. We are your trusted partner in the evolving world of television and radio advertising.

TV & Radio Options to Hit Your Target Audience

Linear TV 

Linear television is often called traditional broadcast television viewed by a cable or satellite subscriber. Linear programming has a preset schedule. It is the traditional way of viewing your favorite local newscasts or television shows by networks.  

Almost everyone watches some television regardless of how they consume the media. The average broadcast viewer is 50 years of age. These traditional viewers make up a significant percentage of consumer spending, and may be exactly who you’re trying to connect with.

Strengths of Linear Television 

Scheduled programs are often watched live and are usually viewed on a large screen television in a home. Linear television is rarely viewed on a laptop, tablet, or smartphone. One huge advantage of traditional television is its large reach – most broadcast stations reach the entire designated market area with mass messaging.   

Strengths of Connected CTV or OTT  

Both CTV and OTT are delivered through internet connected devices, typically in the form of streaming. Viewers watch what they want when they want it, and local stations are available with many streaming subscribers’ options. One distinct advantage for advertisers is targeting options are available with streaming television. Advertisers can choose specific zip codes, income levels, and other behavioral targeting options. Smaller audiences allow an advertiser to target smaller groups of potential customers.  

Linear Services

  • Concepting & Script Writing

  • High-End Video Production

  • Media Planning & Buying

CTV & OTT Services

  • Targeted Ad Placements

  • Cross-Device Compatibility

  • Data-Driven Insights

Radio Services

  • Creative Radio Ad Production

  • Airtime Purchasing & Scheduling

Increase your traffic with traditional and modern mediums.

If your business is interested in increasing traffic to your business location or website, television and radio advertising can help grow your brand with audiences of all kinds. Want to get the full details? We’d love to talk! Connect with us today for more information.