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Tag: business branding

Why Instagram Stories Got So Popular

Adventures Media Solutions

Ever since Snapchat Stories hit the scene in October of 2013, short-form, temporary content has taken social media by storm. Nearly every social platform now has their own version of Stories, or has at least experimented with the idea. Despite having the same premise and function, they find their own unique place on their respective platforms. Especially on Instagram they seem to be a stark difference from the norm of highly-edited and highly-aestheticized photos and videos. As a business owner or social manager, you may find yourself asking how they got so popular, and if you should be integrating them in your social strategy. Get the scoop on Stories below from AdVentures Media Solutions!

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The Importance of Stories on Facebook & Instagram

Adventures Media Solutions

With millions posted per day, Stories on both Facebook and Instagram are one of the most popular features on their respective platforms. Nowadays, no one wants to comb through a large chunk of text for information, which is why Stories are so beneficial. The quick, typically visually appealing nature of them makes them easy for brands to convey information and even easier for followers to consume. No matter your business, the importance of stories on Facebook and Instagram can be a quick, effortless way to develop branding while also providing your target audience with crucial information to make informed following and buying decisions.  

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